‘Throughout my career, I have found that it is people and culture that are the problem, not tech and organisation’

Phil Yeoman — dataIQ100 most influential people in data

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Data and technology is about your people and teams — not the 'hard skills' but the crucial 'soft skills'.

The workplace of the future will be driven by those with high-performance EQ: self-awareness, problem-solving, creativity, self-management, teamwork, and leadership.

Phil works at the intersection between leadership, technology and the future workplace in both the public and private sectors.

The Future of Work = a Multi-Team Mindset

Photo of a team working together.

I am working together with Future Learning Group to build a future where organisations empower their teams to increase flexibility, responsiveness, and creativity, enabling them to adapt and thrive amidst disruptions and challenges.

Emerging technologies and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have created big questions about the future of work. As we consider what will be done by humans versus machines in the future, we must challenge our assumptions about the skills that are uniquely human.

The most important skills for the future will not be specific skills, but rather learning how to master new skills again and again. Just as AI is nowhere near achieving its full potential, neither are humans.

The best way to prepare for the future of work is to develop our untapped potential!

Our solution to address this issue: Discover CinQ

Questions to Consider:

  • As you prepare for the future of work, which jobs and tasks do you expect to be automated in your business?
  • What assumptions do you hold about the skills that are uniquely human and those that machines can automate?
  • As you consider the work of human versus machine, ask yourself what you want from that job: is it a solution to a problem, or is it establishing a relationship?
  • Are your teams prepared to adapt by reinventing themselves and learning new skills? What steps can you take as a leader to develop their potential?

Empowering Businesses with Data-Driven Growth

Photo of people analyzing data.

Transform your businesses by harnessing the power of data, driving innovation, and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making.

Do you need a Chief Data Officer (CDO) but cannot justify having one full-time? Or are you uncertain about the advantages but wish to dip your toes in the water? Maybe you require a strong force to kickstart a data project or transformation.

Instead of bringing on board a full-time CDO, you can opt for a fractional CDO. I offer strategic guidance, leadership, and expertise in your data and technology endeavours. I bring a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to your business, all without requiring a long-term commitment or incurring the high cost associated with a full-time executive.

Why a Fractional Chief Data Officer?

A Fractional Chief Data Officer (CDO) is a cost-effective, flexible solution that provides businesses with expert data leadership. This service helps you leverage your data for better decision-making, improved operational efficiency, and increased competitive advantage, without the financial commitment of a full-time CDO.

Hire a part-time best-in-class CDO to take on the responsibilities of a traditional full-time CTO.

Get in Touch

Embark on a journey to unlock your data's potential, starting with an in-depth consultation, followed by tailored strategies and ongoing support

The Slow Coach

Photo with the quote 'passion led us here'.

I have spent 40+ years working, leading and careering.

I've met great leaders and some not so great built awesome teams and had the honour to lead amazing people.

It's that time in my life for me to slow down and reflect, to work with others and help them on there journey as I have been helped others.


Slow living isn't at odds with being successful or productive. Rather, it's about living up to your own idea of success and prioritising what's most important to you.

I have spent 40+ years learning the principles of co-active coaching, informed by 2 decades of coaching and leading teams and individuals and following my passion for helping others achieve balance in their lives.

Let's talk!